Snow and Ice Removal Priority List

Priority (snow and ice removal) service will be directed in support of emergency services such as the University Police Department and the Pat Walker Student Health Center; transit bus routes; other campus streets; sidewalks; parking lots; and E&G (education and general purpose) building entrances (especially handicapped access).

Priority streets, sidewalks, parking lots, and E&G building entrances as determined by appropriate areas of responsibility are as follows:


Leaving Facilities Management Dept. North entrance:

  1. W on Mitchell to Eastern
  2. S on Eastern to Building Services Annex
  3. N on Eastern to Nettleship
  4. E on Nettleship from Eastern to Graham
  5. W on  Nettleship to Eastern
  6. S on Eastern to Printing Services
  7. E to Environmental Health & Safety Storage Building (EHSS) then S to Mitchell
  8. E on Mitchell to Razorback
  9. N on Razorback to SE of Administrative Services (ADSB)
  10. W into Lot 47S (University Police Department lot - UAPD lot)
  11. W to Graham then N to dead end
  12. S to Meadow then E to Razorback
  13. W on Meadow to Graham
  14. S on Graham to Center
  15. S on Graham to Nettleship
  16. N on Graham to Center
  17. W on Center to Razorback
  18. N on Razorback to Maple
  19. E on Maple to Garland
  20. N on Garland to Cleveland
  21. W on Cleveland to Razorback
  22. S on Razorback to NW of Reid Hall (REID)
  23. E then N through Lot 41 to Cleveland
  24. E on Cleveland to Lot 40 entrance
  25. E on Cleveland to Garland
  26. S on Garland to Maple
  27. E on Maple to Whitham
  28. N on Whitham to Douglas
  29. W on Douglas to Leverett
  30. S on Leverett to Maple
  31. E on Maple to Arkansas
  32. S on Arkansas to Dickson
  33. W on Dickson to Garland
  34. N on Garland to Intermodal Transit Facility (IMTF)
  35. IMTF entrance and exit only
  36. S on Garland to Dickson
  37. E on Dickson to Arkansas
  38. N on Arkansas to Maple
  39. W on Maple to Garland
  40. S on Garland to Dickson
  41. S on Garland to McIlroy
  42. S on McIlroy to Fairview
  43. E on Fairview to Harmon
  44. N on Harmon to Dickson
  45. S on Duncan to Williams
  46. W on Williams to Lot 20
  47. Circle Chiller Plant (CCHP), turn E on Williams
  48. S on Duncan to Center
  49. W on Center to Harmon
  50. N on Harmon to Fairview
  51. W on Fairview to Lot 61
  52. Circle McIlroy House (MCHS)
  53. N on Garland to Dickson
  54. E on Dickson to McIlroy
  55. N on McIlroy to Chemistry (CHEM)
  56. S on McIlroy to Dickson
  57. W on Dickson to Garland
  58. N on Garland to Maple
  59. W on Maple to Razorback
  60. S on Razorback to Meadow
  61. E on Meadow to Stadium
  62. S on Stadium to MLK
  63. N on Stadium to Lot 56
  64. W Carlson Dr into Lot 56
  65. N side of Lot 56 to Razorback (WB & EB lanes)
  66. N on Razorback to Nolan Richardson Dr
  67. E on Nolan Richardson Dr to Stadium
  68. N on Stadium to Clinton
  69. E on Clinton to Harmon
  70. W on Clinton to Stadium
  71. N on Stadium to IMTF drive
  72. E on IMTF drive to Arkansas Union (ARKU)
  73. W on IMTF drive to Stadium
  74. N on Stadium to Maple
  75. E on Maple to Garland
  76. S on Garland to W of Humphreys Hall (HUMP)
  77. W then S then W on Upper Service Drive to Stadium
  78. N on Stadium to Meadow
  79. W on Meadow to Health, Physics, Education and Recreation (HPER)
  80. N on service alley W of HPER
  81. Turn around at SW CHIL
  82. Return to Meadow
  83. W on Meadow to Razorback
  84. Praxis Drive


The main campus sidewalks (i.e., those moving the larger numbers of people across campus) will be cleared as soon as possible, with the smaller walks which lead to campus building priority entrances being cleared as a part of the process.


  1. Lot 56 is now 320, 321, and 322
  2. Lot 99 is now 500
  3. Lot 44 is now 300
  4. Lot 74A, B, C, and D are now 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, and 212
  5. Lot 46E and 46W are now 220, 222, and 223
  6. Lot 3 is now 412
  7. Lot 54 is now 232
  8. Lot 78, 78A, and 78B are now 148, 149, and 150
  9. Lot 38 is now 140
  10. Lot 47N is now 215
  11. Lot 47W is now 214
  12. Lot 57 and 57A are now 226 and 230
  13. Lot 50, 50B, and 50C are now 416, 417, and 418
  14. Lot 28, 29, and 42 are now 109, 114, and 115
  15. Lot 25 and 26 are now 326 and 328
  16. Lot 75 is now 124, 125, and 126
  17. Lot 67 is now 520


410 Arkansas (ARKA)

  1. West entrance

481 Shiloh Drive (SHLH)

  1. East entrance

532 Lindell Ave. (LIND)

  1. West entrance
  2. East entrance (stairs)

836 Center Street (CENA)

  1. East entrance
  2. South entrance

Administration Building (ADMN)

  1. North entrance
  2. South entrance

Administrative Services Building (ADSB)

  1. South entrance
  2. North entrance

Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences Building (AFLS)

  1. South entrance
  2. East entrance

Agriculture Annex (AGRX)

  1. South entrance

Agriculture Building (AGRI)

  1. North entrance
  2. Northeast entrance

Alumni House (ALUM)

  1. West entrance
  2. North entrance

Army ROTC Building (ARMY)

  1. North entrance
  2. East entrance

Bell Engineering Center (BELL)

  1. Southeast entrance
  2. Northwest entrance

Biology Greenhouse (BGRN)

  1. North entrance

Biomass Research Center (BIOR)

  1. East entrance

Buchanan-Droke Hall (BUCH)

  1. South entrance

Business Building (WCOB)

  1. Third floor, west entrance
  2. Second floor, east entrance

Cato Springs Research Center (CSRC)

  1. North entrance

Ceramics Studio (CERM)

  1. West entrance

Champions Hall (CHPN)

  1. North entrance
  2. South entrance

Chemistry Building (CHEM)

  1. North entrance
  2. South entrance
  3. West entrance

Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Building (CHBC)

  1. Southwest entrance
  2. East entrance

Cordia Harrington Center for Excellence (CORD)

  1. North entrance
  2. South entrance
  3. Northwest corner plaza between Memorial Hall and CORD

Daniel E. Ferritor Hall (FERR)

  1. Northeast entrance
  2. Northwest entrance

David W. Mullins Library (MULN)

  1. West entrance
  2. East entrance

Davis Hall (DAVH)

  1. South entrance

Discovery Hall (DISC)

  1. First floor, east entrance
  2. Second floor, east entrance

Donald W. Reynolds Center for Enterprise Development (RCED)

  1. Northwest entrance

Edward Durell Stone House – north (STON)

  1. Entry via STOS west entrance

Edward Durell Stone House – south (STOS)

  1. West entrance

Engineering Research Center (ENRC)

  1. West entrance (ADA)
  2. Southeast entrance
  3. Northeast entrance

Enterprise Center (ENTR)

  1. North entrance
  2. South entrance

Epley Center for Health Professions (ECHP)

  1. North entrance
  2. South entrance
  3. Both ADA entrances on north side

Facilities Management Building (FAMA)

  1. East entrance
  2. North side, east entrance
  3. North side, west entrance

Faulkner Performing Arts Center (FPAC)

  1. Northeast entrance (ADA)

Fine Arts Center (FNAR)

  1. North entrance
  2. Northeast entrance
  3. Southeast entrance

Fowler Conservatory (FWCS)

  1. East entrance

G. David Gearheart Hall (GEAR)

  1. Northwest entrance
  2. Southwest entrances

George and Boyce Billingsley Music Building (MUSC)

  1. South entrance
  2. West entrance

Gibson Annex (GIBX)

  1. South entrance
  2. North entrance

Gladson-Ripley Hall (GLAD)

  1. South entrance
  2. North entrance

Global Campus (GLBL)

  1. East entrance
  2. South entrance
  3. West entrance

Graduate Education Building (GRAD)

  1. North entrance
  2. South entrance

Grady E. Harvell Civil Engineering Research & Education Center (HCEC)

  1. South entrance

Harmon Avenue Garage (HAPG)

  1. West entrance

Harry R. Rosen Alternative Pest Control Center (ROSE)

  1. Northeast entrance
  2. Southwest entrance

Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Building (HPER)

  1. North entrance
  2. East entrance

High Density Electronics Center (HDEC)

  1. North entrance

Hillside Auditorium (HILL)

  1. North entrance
  2. South entrance

Human Environmental Sciences Building (HOEC)

  1. Northeast entrance
  2. Northwest entrance
  3. West side entrance (ADA)

Integrative & Innovative Research (IIIR)

  1. North entrance
  2. East entrance
  3. West entrance

J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. Center for Academic Excellence (JBHT)

  1. North entrance (Dickson)
  2. Southeast entrance (Harmon)
  3. South entrance (Quad)

Jean Tyson Child Development Center (JTCD)

  1. South entrance

John A. White, Jr. Engineering Hall (ENGR)

  1. South entrance
  2. North entrance
  3. West entrance

John W. Tyson Building, Poultry Science Center (POSC)

  1. Northeast entrance
  2. Southwest entrance

Kimpel Hall (KIMP)

  1. Southwest entrance
  2. North entrance

Leflar Law Center – Waterman Hall (WATR)

  1. Northeast entrance
  2. South entrance
  3. Northwest entrance

Lewis E. Epley Jr. Band Hall (BAND)

  1. East entrance

Library Annex (LINX)

  1. North entrance

Lynn and Joel Carver Center for Public Radio (KUAF)

  1. North entrance
  2. East entrance

McIlroy House, University Press (MCHS)

  1. East entrance

Mechanical Engineering Building (MEEG)

  1. South entrance (ADA)
  2. North entrance

Memorial Hall (MEMH)

  1. Southeast entrance (ADA)
  2. Northwest entrance (ADA)
  3. West entrance

Nanoscale Material Science & Engineering Building (NANO)

  1. East entrance

National Center for Reliable Electrical Power Transmission (NCRE)

  1. Northwest entrance (ADA)
  2. East side entrance (ADA)

Occupational Therapy House (OTHS)

  1. West entrance

Old Main (MAIN)

  1. North entrance
  2. South entrance

One East Center (ECEN)

  1. East entrance

Pat Walker Health Center (HLTH)

  1. Northwest entrance
  2. Southeast entrance

Peabody Hall (PEAH)

  1. East entrance
  2. South entrance

Physics Building (PHYS)

  1. North entrance

Plant Sciences Building (PTSC)

  1. Northeast entrance
  2. South entrance

Printing Services / University of Arkansas Press Warehouse (PRES)

  1. East entrance

School of Art Annex (SOAX)

  1. North entrances

Science Engineering Building (SCEN)

  1. West entrance
  2. East entrance

Sculpture Studio (SCUL)

  1. West side, south entrance

Silas H. Hunt Hall (HUNT)

  1. North side, east entrance
  2. East side, north entrance

Studio & Design Center (SDCR)

  1. Northwest entrance
  2. South entrance

Study Abroad House (STAB)

  1. West entrance

Suzuki Music School of Arkansas (SUZM)

  1. North entrance

Unity House (UNHS)

  1. West entrance (ADA)
  2. South entrance

Uptown Campus Building East (UPTE)

  1. South entrance (ADA)
  2. North entrance, west stairs only

Uptown Campus Building West (UPTW)

  1. North entrance (ADA)
  2. South entrance

Wallace W. and Jama M. Fowler House (FWLR)

  1. South entrance
  2. Northwest entrance

Willard J. Walker Hall (WJWH)

  1. East entrance
  2. West entrance

West Avenue Annex (WAAX)

  1. South entrance
  2. West entrance